Sunday, July 28, 2013

Round 2 of Toy Shopping

And then there was (the unplanned) day 2. 

Day one was unplanned, so is day 2. We were supposed to stay home today, or go to another mall. However, Doc M's helicopter toy that he bought yesterday had some trouble charging that's why we have decided to have it replaced. It was the only purpose supposedly. I opted to still roam around and I got another cart filled with toys.

The only difference today is that I scouted for toys that I can give away for Christmas or those all-of-a-sudden birthday parties. In all fairness, there were a lot of toys that were at almost 80% discount. They will just have to sit around the storage room (a.k.a. attic) until they are ready to be wrapped and be given away.

I wanted to buy the other two Moxie Teenz doll, but I will be going way beyond my budget. I know that this is not the last time that I will see them on sale. 

Good thing today is the last day. Most of the items that I got today are kiddie pillows and toys for boys and girls. 

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