Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Fitflops

Apologies if I have to deviate from my usual topics about toys. I just would like to share with you another side of me: that I am also a shoe-lover. During my early times, I didn't have particular brands of footwear. As long as they are pretty and nice to look at, I was under the impression that pain was part of looking nice. Besides, I had no other choice but to use the ones my mom would buy for me. 

Until I was introduced to Fitflop. They are actually under the category of slippers, (except now they started adding flats and sneakers) glamourized version, that is. It changed the concept of slippers being something casual, as they can also be worn with semi-formal clothes with just a matter of how you wear them.

And yes, I am a semi-addict. The only thing that limits me in getting more is the price of each pair, which can actually get me a decent pair or two of black office shoes. My mom and dad each owns a pair, and my sisters have more that three pairs each. I used to only have 2 pairs.

And yesterday came to me as a surprise. Few days ago I was browsing through Mr. M's (my boyfriend) phone and read this text message about an exclusive sale event sponsored by a certain credit card company. And he has this credit card. 

We were supposed to go last Friday after office, but I was so tired then. We decided to go yesterday, Saturday. We left early from home as I was so sure that people would swarm the said event. I am glad we did, because after we entered, people started to line up outside and queue for payment was also long. 

I was able to convince Mr. M to buy himself his pair as well. 

So to make my story short, I was able to grab 3 pairs:
 Lolla (Crackle) in Black
* Sling (Sport) in Smoky Grey
* Frou in Electric Indigo

I got them all at around 50% off, which never happened in usual mall sales. The maximum discounts in malls is at 35%. I actually had to stop myself from getting more because obviously, it wouldn't be a smart move anymore; impractical! 

They had limited designs as well, which meant limited choices. They didn't have ones for kids.

Anyway, so here they are: 

And these 3 are joining my 2 previous pairs: 

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