Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One Time Big Time: My LIV Dolls

Lately I told myself that I am already over the doll collecting addiction, as there are more things that I would like to focus on, like traveling and dining.

I made a mistake. I guess dolls have their special way of reminding me of what my past life was, and the joy they bring whenever there's an addition to my collection. 

ONE TIME BIG TIME. That's how I define my Liv doll purchase. I restricted my self so much these past months in buying dolls. But just last weekend, I received a text message from my favorite salesgirl in one of the toy stores that I used to frequent in, saying that their LIV dolls are already on sale. It was really an effort to avoid walking by the store, but I just couldn't refrain not to look around. True enough, the LIV girls were already on their Sale Rack. The ones I prioritized were the playsets - kayak and cabana from the Making Waves Collection. Then the dolls themselves, as what you can see in the pics. 

I adore dolls with glass eyes since they look more realistic compared to painted ones. This what convinced me to buy Liv dolls. There's also this fact that these girls are not being produced anymore, which means that they will be harder to find in the next few years. 

I am still thinking whether to debox them or not. If ever I do, I will be posting them again. For sure there will be more of them by then.

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