Wednesday, November 8, 2017

My Doll Project Update

I haven't been writing as much as I wanted to. These past few weeks and months, I have been doing a project where I go to the attic, get the dolls and debox them. Boy, it's only now I realized I have a lot of toys and dolls already that I have been acquiring since 2001. Up until now, I haven't found the items I've posted like the Shadow King figures (apologies). What's good about it that I get surprises finding out that I have a certain kind of doll really want, which I thought I wasn't able to get. 

As of this writing, I still haven't reached half of the items in the attic.

What makes it slow is the process of taking photos of them while in the box then when out of the box. It's also not often that I get to do it on weekends because of trips and travels I have to take every now and then. 

I also keep on getting new ones, especially that the past few weeks have been clearance season for toys. I also have discovered online shops providing dolls that aren't available in our country.

My vision is once I've already cleared up the attic, I shall turn it into a mini studio while the other side will be a bedroom where I can also rest while filming my toys. I have started taking deboxing videos that I plan to put up on YouTube. I am just now in search of a nice application to do editing. 

I will definitely be giving updates in this page. Slowly, but surely. 

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