Thursday, November 15, 2018

Pastelprism's Shopee Online Shop

Activities to keep adults busy are never-ending. 

Since I stopped working, I had to focus on the payment center business that we opened as well as paying attention to the setting up of our condo unit that was recently turned-over to us. These things have kept me busy even during the weekends that I don't get to play with my dolls, not even to check them out nor arrange them. 

However the past few days I have managed to slip-in some time to check them out and gather few that are duplicates and that I am no longer interested in keeping. I have set up a Shopee online account several months ago and would upload items every now and then. Pacing was slow, though. But at the start of the week, I was able to upload more items. As of the moment I have more than 100 items for sale on the said account.

I still can't do full blast, though, but it's better than not being able to do so. I still  have so much items to sort and sell. 

I also love the idea of getting moolah out of these toys and at the same time make other collectors happy as the stuff I have might be the ones that they have been looking for the longest time.

Please drop by my Shopee account. As of this time, shopping can only be done within my country, the Philippines, but I am considering being able to sell internationally perhaps through eBay. I just need to learn more about shipping internationally.

I know I haven't gotten much readers, but to you who's reading and perhaps also following, thank you very much.

Here is the link for my Shopee:

Ciao! 😊

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