Happy New Year everyone! May the 2017 be a blessed one for all of us.
From my previous blog, I have mentioned that I had another one-time-big-time purchase but this time, for Monster High dolls because they are currently on sale.
Before showing my latest purchases, I would like to share with you my very first doll that I bought between October to November 2016. Yes, she's my fist Monster High. That is why I am dedicating an entry solely for her.
She is Operetta from the Picture Day series. According to her box, she was released in 2012 so I guess she's already quite difficult to find nowadays.
As you can see, her box is extremely dented. I got her from a clearance sale so I had no reason not to buy her. Back then, I didn't think of growing my collection.
Anyway, for the first day of 2017, I have decided to already debox her. Just imagine the excitement I was feeling during the deboxing process. Slowly I have learned to truly appreciate the beauty of this doll and how detailed she is, with all her accessories. Adding to that is her fully-jointed body.
Without further ado, here is Operetta:

I am getting more excited to feature the rest of the Monster High dolls that I bought recently. However, I do not have intentions yet of deboxing them.
Please stay tuned.
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