Saturday, July 27, 2013

Moxie Teenz Dolls


I truly love variation. In as much as I would like to focus on certain items in my doll collection, I could not stop getting anything that I get attracted to. So true when I introduced the Moxie Teen dolls in my collection. These are much higher that Barbie, about 14" I supposed. 

I never got intersted with the original Moxie Girls that are the 12" versions, while the Teenz versions came out to be expensive.

The first in my collection is Leigh, wearing the gold gown. I saw her on sale at 50% off at a local toy store and so I bought her. Afterwards they placed it back to it's original price. Other stores never offered them on sale. Since then I have been going back and forth to that same toy store where I was able to buy her until yesterday when I went to a Toy Sale that I was able to get Melrose and Arizona. Ecstatic! Since I had to watch my budget, I had to leave the other two from the "evening gown" series and opted to get these two.

I bet I will be writing another entry that features the Moxie Teenz, I am just unsure on how soon.

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